Ubisoft's Star Wars Outlaws looks to be a morally ambiguous extension of Jedi: Survivor

Cal Jeffrey

Posts: 3,878   +1,244
Staff member
In context: Despite its good reviews from critics, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor failed to impress players, who gave the game mixed ratings primarily because of poor performance. Developer Respawn could have blamed the sluggish framerates on PC players with underpowered hardware if it weren't for the fact that the game also seemed unoptimized on consoles. Hopefully, Ubisoft's upcoming Star Wars game avoids this issue by focusing solely on current generation hardware.

Over the weekend, Ubisoft announced that it is working on an open-world Star Wars game called Star Wars Outlaws (masthead). Then on Monday, the developer dropped a couple of sneak peeks to give players a taste of what to expect. One was a 10-minute gameplay trailer (below), and the other was a five-minute behind-the-scenes video featuring Humberly González as the story's main character Kay Vess (bottom).

Developed by Massive Entertainment, Star Wars Outlaws shares some characteristics with Respawn's two recent Jedi games – Fallen Order and Survivor. Ubisoft bills it as an open-world adventure. Likewise, Respawn described both Jedi games as open-world but struggled to make them feel that way. Both games relied on compelling players to backtrack to previous regions to discover new areas using upgraded abilities. While the games were enjoyable, this gameplay mechanic got tedious after a while, no matter how expansive the maps were.

As for the story, Ubisoft went in a different direction with its hero – or antihero, as the case may be. Instead of playing a do-gooding Jedi, players will fill the shoes of a female version of Han Solo named Kay Vess. For some unrevealed reason, Kay has a bounty on her head, probably because she spends much of her time picking up jobs that are not strictly legal, like smuggling.

Judging by the gameplay trailer, Massive might be implementing a morality system into the game that allows players to be more or less of a scoundrel, depending on your point of view. In one part of the trailer, the player faces the decision of whether or not to bribe an Imperial officer. Although Ubisoft didn't mention whether choices matter, it appears they might.

Unfortunately, since Kay is not a Jedi, there is not likely to be much lightsaber play unless Massive has a surprise up its sleeve during the latter portions of the game. Combat will mainly involve gunplay and stealth action.

Players can tackle mission objectives in a variety of ways. Those keen on stealth play could potentially ghost their way through missions. Guns blazing can work, too. Kay can always run away to fight another day if things get too hot. Of course, any combination of playstyles could also work.

In the trailer, the player starts out stealthily, gets caught in a firefight, grabs the objective, and escapes. Players can "borrow" vehicles, including speeder bikes and spacecraft, to ditch their pursuers. Also, flying from planetside to space appears to be seamless, with no awkward transitions or load screens.

Ubisoft doesn't have a release window more specific than "next year," but did say it will be available on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series consoles. The fact that there don't appear to be versions for last-gen consoles could be good news. Many recent multiplatform games have not fully taken advantage of the power available in the PS5 and XBSX. Hopefully, Outlaws can provide a genuine "next-gen" experience without all the issues other developers have had in making their games compatible across half a dozen or more platforms.

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Posts: 3,363   +4,609
TechSpot Elite
Also, flying from planetside to space appears to be seamless, with no awkward transitions or load screens.
I'm not sure what you saw, but the cloud cover looked like a convenient loading section to me :p

Eh, I'm not sold on this yet. But I do like seeing a repurposed commando battle droid as a companion.

Cal Jeffrey

Posts: 3,878   +1,244
Staff member
I'm not sure what you saw, but the cloud cover looked like a convenient loading section to me :p

Eh, I'm not sold on this yet. But I do like seeing a repurposed battle droid (assassin?) as a companion.
Yeah. Sort of. Perhaps I should have said "less awkward." Still early, though. I'd like to see more for sure.


Posts: 136   +149
Not buying another generic female antifa protagonist game.

maybe if they have a character creator.?

I saw npd claims (lies but whatever) that 41-48% of console "owners" (whatever that means) are female. This is blatantly a lie as I guarantee 90% of COD or Destiny players are male, but lets pretend it's true. If so why are 95% of our protagonists female? It's like African Americans being 13% of the population but featured in 80% of super bowl commercials. We live in reverse apartheid in multiple ways.

Oh and I googled "humberly gonzalez". Not surprising she's QUITE the looker, which always seems to be the case yet WHY DOES IT MATTER for voice actors. The one thing political correctness never corrects I guess lol, they're always pretty somehow.

Also, attractive female "scoundrel bounty hunters" dont exist in real life. At all. I promise. Anymore than female badass martial arts assassins.

Edit: It appears no character creator from the article? Yeah hard pass, bye Star Wars. plenty of other games to take my time up.
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Mr Majestyk

Posts: 1,646   +1,546
No lightsaber is not an issue at all. I loved the old games like Dark Forces (please reboot that) and going back to guns and such in the Starwars Universe is great news for me. If they want to give me the ability to also wield a lightsaber, then that's fine, but I hate the Jedi only being able to use a lightsaber. Variety is the spice of life.


Posts: 94   +122
Yeah. Sort of. Perhaps I should have said "less awkward." Still early, though. I'd like to see more for sure.
I agree with m4a4. I'm pretty sure it's just a really smooth (cut scene) transition hiding the load from the ground level to the space level.
EDIT: Game still looks good, though. Excited to see more.


Posts: 25   +38
Not buying another generic female antifa protagonist game.

maybe if they have a character creator.?

I saw npd claims (lies but whatever) that 41-48% of console "owners" (whatever that means) are female. This is blatantly a lie as I guarantee 90% of COD or Destiny players are male, but lets pretend it's true. If so why are 95% of our protagonists female? It's like African Americans being 13% of the population but featured in 80% of super bowl commercials. We live in reverse apartheid in multiple ways.

Oh and I googled "humberly gonzalez". Not surprising she's QUITE the looker, which always seems to be the case yet WHY DOES IT MATTER for voice actors. The one thing political correctness never corrects I guess lol, they're always pretty somehow.

Also, attractive female "scoundrel bounty hunters" dont exist in real life. At all. I promise. Anymore than female badass martial arts assassins.

Edit: It appears no character creator from the article? Yeah hard pass, bye Star Wars. plenty of other games to take my time up.
Agreed, but there also aren't attractive senator princess soldiers in real life too haha. Sex still sells, and I'm okay with that. There are attractive people and not attractive people. When you run a business, which one are you going to graphically represent in your AAA game? Money wins every time.


Posts: 841   +491


Posts: 1,374   +2,204
Survivor is a hysterical game where the hero is in a constant need to run. And backtracking again is an unwelcome feature. Kind of fed up with the Star Wars universe by now and its constantly invented characters. Now a new "empowered" woman 😴. I was so happy with Outcast and Jedi Academy!